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![JHU Watershed Symposium 2022 Presentation](
Join us for a special Science Symposium!
Five 15-20 min research presentations on Siskiyou County topics hosted at our museum!
Master’s Program Candidates
in Environmental Sciences and Policy
at Johns Hopkins University participated
in the week-long intensive field courseÂ
“Intersections between Science and Society: Investigating Watershed Ecosystems in the Cascades”.
We will show five pre-recorded 15-20 presentations
each on a different local topic.
Public is invited to view
and ask questions.
Symposium hosted by
Mt. Shasta Sisson Museum,
1 N Old Stage Rd, Mt Shasta, CAÂ
September 29, 5:00 p.m.,
doors Open @ 4:30 p.m.
View in person at our museum or online via Zoom
Register for this event here
Learn why the unique ecology and culture make this site so loved
30 minute outdoor presentation
delivered by Haley Wilken,
Interpretive Ranger, U.S. Forest Service
Hosted by Mt. Shasta Sisson Museum,
on the lawn and picnic area
1 N Old Stage Rd, Mt Shasta, CAÂ
September 25, 11:00 a.m.
Outside, no reservation needed, bring a lawn chair or blanket, great for 4th grade and up.
![beaver swimming with head at surface of water](
Join us to learn how beavers are making a come back in Siskiyou County with a little help from some friends!
Charnna Gilmore from the Scott River Watershed Council will tell her story of how she became involved in beaver restoration in the Scott Valley. The presentation will include the history of beavers, restoration efforts for beaver, and beaver dam ecology in Scott Valley, CA. The Scott Valley is a rural agricultural area in Siskiyou County, far northern California.
Hosted by Mt. Shasta Sisson Museum,
1 N Old Stage Rd, Mt Shasta, CA begins at
September 22, 7 p.m.,
doors open at 6:30 p.m.,
$5 donation.
Donations benefit the Mt. Shasta Sisson Museum.
Please Note! Refunds will be honored for cancellations up to 24hrs before the event date.